Colo Colo vs Junior
Monumental David Arellano
Round of 16Copa Libertadores
Colo Colo

Colo Colo

1 - 0


Monumental David Arellano
Wed, 14 Aug - 02:30
Chance of victory
Colo Colo Junior
36.3% Colo Colo 27.2% Draw 36.5% Junior
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Chance of victory
Colo Colo Junior
36.3% Colo Colo 27.2% Draw 36.5% Junior

Predictions Colo Colo vs Junior

No predictions yet in this match

No predictions yet in this match

Match events
  • 3'
    C. Palacios
    Yellow card C. Palacios
  • 4'
    A. Colorado
    Yellow card A. Colorado
  • 19'
    E. Herrera
    Yellow card E. Herrera
  • 23'
    Gabriel Fuentes
    Yellow card Gabriel Fuentes
  • 23'
    M. Bolados
    Yellow card M. Bolados
  • 47'
    J. Enamorado
    Yellow card J. Enamorado
  • 55'
    M. Bolados
    Leaves the game M. Bolados
  • 55'
    C. Zavala
    Entering the match C. Zavala
  • 65'
    G. Paiva
    Entering the match G. Paiva
  • 65'
    Javier Correa
    Leaves the game Javier Correa
  • 65'
    M. Isla
    Leaves the game M. Isla
  • 65'
    O. Opazo
    Entering the match O. Opazo
  • 67'
    Y. Chará
    Leaves the game Y. Chará
  • 67'
    Y. Quintero
    Entering the match Y. Quintero
  • 67'
    B. Castrillón
    Entering the match B. Castrillón
  • 67'
    A. Colorado
    Leaves the game A. Colorado
  • 69'
    E. Wiemberg
    Yellow card E. Wiemberg
  • 74'
    J. Enamorado
    Leaves the game J. Enamorado
  • 74'
    Y. Moreno
    Entering the match Y. Moreno
  • 75'
    L. Cepeda
    Leaves the game L. Cepeda
  • 75'
    L. Gil
    Entering the match L. Gil
  • 76'
    V. Pizarro
    Goal V. Pizarro
  • 83'
    C. Bacca
    Leaves the game C. Bacca
  • 83'
    L. Berrío
    Entering the match L. Berrío
  • 83'
    S. Rodríguez
    Entering the match S. Rodríguez
  • 83'
    V. Cantillo
    Leaves the game V. Cantillo
  • Final
Starting lineups
Colo Colo COL (4-3-3)
Junior JUN (4-5-1)
77 S. Mele
28 J. Peña
18 E. Olivera
12 Gabriel Fuentes
3 E. Herrera
24 V. Cantillo
6 D. Moreno
25 A. Colorado
8 Y. Chará
99 J. Enamorado
70 C. Bacca
1 B. Cortés
37 M. Falcón
15 E. Amor
21 E. Wiemberg
22 M. Isla
8 E. Pávez
34 V. Pizarro
7 C. Palacios
32 L. Cepeda
9 Javier Correa
11 M. Bolados
Our users predictions

The 71% of our users think that the final result of the match will be victory of Colo Colo. The majority of our users foresee that there will not be more than 2 goals, a 76% thinks both teams will score the most repeated result is 0-0.

Most interesting predictions
Final result: Empate 3.18
Result Half time / Full time: X/COL 4.44
Correct score (Full time): 1 - 0 4.90
Correct score (Half time): 1 - 0 3.59
Double chance: COL o JUN 1.33

Schedules and TV

  • Fox Sports 2

    Fox Sports 2


    ESPN 2

    ESPN 2











    LaLiga+ Plus

    LaLiga+ Plus


Last matches

The Colo Colo drew against Univ de Chile the last match. who played as a visitor, in the case of Junior, had draw against Alianza FC the last match. that was played at home.